Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Happy new year and all that!

At long last I've updated my hideously out-of-date website. I also have a new web address to match his blog. You can find it at www.adventuresinHD.com.

At the moment it's just one page but hopefully it will expand during the year. There are two brand new video clips up there. One is from National Geographic's 'Monster Jellyfish Attack', a documentary I worked on in Japan last year. It features lots of underwater footage of the two-meter-wide sea monsters!

The other clip is from 'If Food Run's Out'. This programme (or program for you Americans) looks at rising food prices and falling availability. It paints a potentially bleak picture of the future for millions of people. We filmed drama sequences representing the future but the reality is that much of it is happening already.

I'm currently looking at 2011 through a pair of red and green glasses. In February I'm shooting my first doc in 3D, and there's plans on the table for more after that. I'm currently reading like mad, going to see as many 3D films as I can and a doing course with these guys in a few weeks. I'll do a write up of how the shoot goes on here once it's done.

Until then here's a few pics of me in the croc pool in Australia (for the full story see a couple of posts down - Crocs and Dangerous Fish in Northern Australia .)

Happy new year!